Plugging Page Slide

Pipeline Plugging & Line Stopping
Without System Shutdown

Plugging Services

ETM, LLC. plugging services are essential when specific sections of a pipeline or pressurized system need repair or replacement without system shutdown. Utilized with our hot tapping machines, our patented plugging machines provide effective sealing solutions for pipeline repair, reconstruction, or replacement. Our service methods (shown below) address a variety of plugging techniques unique to specific needs, and our plugging machines work with a large scope of pipeline sizes, types, pressures, and materials. ETM, LLC is your solution for all pipeline plugging needs.

Our Plugging Professionals Are Raising The Standard

We realize the benifits of being the top standard in technology, which is why ETM, LLC is constantly pushing innovation, discovery, and adaptability to be the leading force of plugging services and products for pipelines and pressurize systems. Our patented plugging technology provides cutting-edge solutions for pipeline sealing and our range of service methods ensure we can rise to the need of any customer or project.


Suspended Plugging Methods

A-A: Single Line Stop

Suspended Plugging Methods 1
Suspended Plugging Methods 2


Suspended Plugging Methods 3



A-B-A: Type A of Two Line Stops

Suspended Plugging Methods 4


A-B-B: Type B of Two Line Stops

Suspended Plugging Methods 5



A-B-C: Type C of Two Line Stops

Suspended Plugging Methods 6


A-C: Four Line Stops (it applies to long distance pipeline replacement)

Suspended Plugging Methods 7




Cylinder Plugging Methods

B-A: Single Line Stop


Suspended Plugging Methods 8
Suspended Plugging Methods 9


Suspended Plugging Methods 10



B-B-A: Type A of Two Line Stops (the max of transmission medium flow rate in the pipeline is 5m/s)

Suspended Plugging Methods 11
Suspended Plugging Methods 12



B-B-B: Type B of Two Line Stops

Suspended Plugging Methods 13
Suspended Plugging Methods 14


Suspended Plugging Methods 15


B-B-C: Type B of Two Line Stops

Suspended Plugging Methods 16



B-B-D: Type D of Two Line Stops (the transmission medium flow rate in the pipeline should be more than 5m/s)

Suspended Plugging Methods 17


B-B-E: Type E of Two Line Stops (the max transmission medium flow rate in the pipeline is 5m/s)

Suspended Plugging Methods 18


PE Plugging Methods

Auxiliary Equipment - Double Plugging

PE Double Plugging

Our standard hot tapping and plugging procedures are also suitable for the construction and servicing of low pressure PE pipelines with our specialty PE hot tapping and plugging equipment.


B-B-F: Type F of Four Line Stops

(when the max transmission medium flow rate in the pipeline is 5m/s, it's more suitable for long distance pipeline replacement)

PE Plugging Methods - Type F of Four Line Stops

B-B-E: Type G of Four Line Stops

(when the max transmission medium flow rate in the pipeline is 5m/s, it's more suitable for long distance pipeline replacement)

PE Plugging Methods - Type F of Four Line Stops

Request an Estimate

Because of our large range of services and equipment, as well as variables in pipeline parameters and specifications, we highly encourage interested customers to take advantage of our complimentary consultations and quotations. This allows our engineers to fully familiarize themselves with the site, system, and needed scope of services – additionally, it allows us to become better acquainted with you, the customer!